on my mind this week.....
take a moment to appreciate....
4/4/2016 0 Comments When the going gets tough...Its a great opportunity to really draw on ones mindfulness practice! Its all very well to be able to regularly do our meditations when there is time, and head space, and it feels relaxing, but how about when everything seems to be going wrong!?!
There are a few aspects of mindfulness that can really help here for starters. The first port of call being self compassion and kindness. Taking a good look at the situation and checking out that we are being as kind to ourself as we would be to another who is in this situation. Are you expecting too much of yourself? Have a big pile of 'shoulds' crept in unnoticed here? What can we do to be kinder to ourselves? This may include stepping out of our normal routines and habits, which in itself is a great exercise in mindfulness, ditching the autopilot! It may be that we do not usually ask for help, as we expect that we should 'cope', or we may assume that others will judge us as 'not coping'. It may be helpful to lower our expectations: not doing the housework, cutting corners with non essential chores, getting friends to come to round instead of going out, making simpler meals etc. Mindfulness can also give us the opportunity to focus on 'non problems' if we have been practising strengthening our ability to do so. This can really give us a break from the rumination that often accompanies difficult times, as often we are bringing stuff into the moment that does not need to be there. Adversity can show us many things about ourselves, which can be a great opportunity for growth, and it can also be very scary. Take every chance you can to do something nourishing for yourself, and notice the difference. Make sure you get plenty of good quality sleep, factor in relaxation, share your troubles with someone you trust, do something fun to offset that worries, get outside and be in nature, get some exercise. And know that this too will pass...whilst we can't usually control what is happening to us, we can learn ways of responding to it. For more guidance like this, do come along to one of my weekly groups, or see my one to one for private sessions. As ever, these are my own personal musings, based on my life and practice. Feel free to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Very happy to hear from you with your comments. Namaste
October 2020
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